
LinkedIn is a great source to use for both personal and professional experience.  Through LinkedIn, you can: build your own network, find job postings and job opportunities, connect with current and former colleagues and  students, showcase your experience and projects, and so much more.

In my case, I am fairly new to LinkedIn and use it to represent myself.  If you are looking to create a LinkedIn profile for a company, you should have an official website and a company e-mail address.  You may connect and link this profile to your personal, individual account.  

A good LinkedIn individual profile should include the following: a summary reflecting yourself, work experience, volunteer experience, skills, endorsements, projects completed, and relevant coursework.

The truth of the matter is, people are always searching on LinkedIn for new opportunities and ways to connect with unique individuals like yourself.  It is important to maintain your profile in order to maximize your opportunities.  

Check out my LinkedIn!

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