Facebook Ads

Facebook has been and continues to remain a huge and influential social media site, which was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts, according to statista.com.  A very common way of advertising today is through Facebook.  Facebook advertising, just like any type of advertising is important to use carefully and correctly.  With that being said, there are several ways to advertise on Facebook.  However, the most common type of ad that appears on the site is the type that you see on the right hand of your screen after logging in.  Another type of ad can be seen on your news feed that reads, “Suggested Post."

One thing that a lot of people don’t know is that Facebook ads are not just limited to businesses to try to sell you their products.  Anyone wanting to promote something, whether it is an organization trying to spread awareness, or an individual trying to promote his or her published works, Facebook ads are for everyone.

In fact, the graphic to the left is a screenshot of a Facebook ad I just created myself.  The ad is promoting an organization called Miracles in Progress.  The objective of this ad campaign is to get people to click on the website and spread awareness about the organization

You too can make an ad like I did!  All you need is a Facebook account and an idea of what you will be advertising!  You can access www.facebook.com/advertising.  From there, you can click on "Create An Ad" to get your ad campaign started!

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