Resumes Then vs. Now

Years ago, all anyone had to do was put together a piece of paper consisting of experience, what you've done, where you've been, for how long, etc.  Things were once so simple.  Your resume was made by you and it could be anything you wanted it to be.  Of course today people still use resumes. I know I do.  It may just be a paper, but it is a paper that showcases who I am and what I have done.

While resumes are still very relevant today, there is actually another major way of finding of who you are.  Ahhhh, the internet.  Google specifically holds the power of allowing employers to search your name with just a click of the search button.  And just like that, anything that you once didn't want revealed on your piece of paper resume can now be accessed by employers.  Richard N. Bolles, author of "What Color is Your Parachute," explains that more than 69% of employers have rejected some applicants on the basis of what they found.  Inappropriate content on social media is the number one reason for this.  With that being said, if you want a job, it is crucial to understand that it takes more than just a piece of paper with experience to get you hired.  How you are represented online today is huge and has become a resume in itself to employers.

There are a few things you can do about this new resume of yours.  You can edit, fill in, expand, and add.  How?  You can start by searching your name via Google and just like that, pull up the things you have published (whether it is professional or recreational) through social media or whatever the case may be.  Do the results that pop up represent you in a positive manner?  If not, it is highly recommended that you have it taken down or changed.  You are going to want to edit anything that portrays you in a negative manner,  You are then going to want to expand the results.  For example, being specific is key.  Also, expanding how you appear via Google is also extremely important. Make yourself appear on LinkedIn.  Create blog posts.  Showcase yourself via social media in a way that intrigues potential employers.  And last but not least, add anything about yourself that you want employers to see.  Just as you would on a normal resume, add anything you want an employer to know.  Make yourself stand out.  What makes you unique from other candidates?

And just like that, you have not only an old fashioned resume, but you also have the internet on your side (or not.... depending on what you share with the online world.)  Remember, what you put on the internet is anyone's business.  So keep that in mind the next time you consider applying for a job!

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